The Truth About Goose Poop and Brutal Goose Massacres (2024)

The Truth About Goose Poop and Brutal Goose Massacres

Sadly, geese are often blamed and killed for misunderstandings about their biology and behavior. Thousands of geese are brutally murdered each year across the nation because of misinformation and a lack of education concerning their poop. Millions of taxpayer dollars are spent to cruelly slaughter geese when nonlethal, long-term solutions are more effective, kind, and cost less over time. Read on to get the scoop about goose poop!

1. Does goose poop cause E. coli and algae blooms in waterways?

Truth: Goose poop is not to blame for contaminating our water.

DNA tests strongly indicate that goose poop is not to blame for harmful bacteria found in our waterways.

According to avian expert Eva Ries, waterfowl like geese are not the source of the majority of bacteria like E.coli., Ries rightfully calls out officials who blame geese for bacterial overloads in our waterways when testing indicates humans are responsible for the majority of E. coli bacteria in our waterways.

"To call geese feces unhealthy and unsafe is one of the most unprofessional and biased pieces of sensationalist ‘journalism’ I've seen. Stop lying to the public about the real reason this (roundup) was done - INTOLERANCE - and not for any scientific or public health reasons. It's time to be honest about why humans are habitually extirpating, persecuting, and eliminating other species. We are intolerant and violent towards other species deemed ‘in our way’ or ‘pests’ for sociological reasons.”

The Truth About Goose Poop and Brutal Goose Massacres (1)

Extensive studies of E. coli contamination in the Great Lakes region demonstrated that these bacteria live in the sand beneath where people congregate. E. coli overload is more likely from people and dogs, rather than from geese.

Harvard School of Public Health Professor Dr. Timothy Ford asserts that harmful microbes in drinking water have also been wrongly attributed to geese. “There is no possibility that the Canada goose will ever be a major route of infection. To suggest otherwise is utterly ludicrous and you can quote me."

The Center for Disease Control reports the number one cause of algal blooms is in fact global warming.

2. Isn’t goose flesh from roundups given to food pantries so it’s not wasted?

Truth: Most food pantries won’t accept toxic goose flesh.

Sadly, the slaughtered bodies of most geese often wind up in landfills. Only a very small fraction of slaughtered geese are donated since there is no demand for toxic goose meat. The flesh of resident urban geese is tainted with toxic pesticides (Round-up) and algae-cides (Cutrine Plus), which are applied to vegetation and dumped into waterways. This is why credible food banks and homeless shelters won’t accept goose meat.

The Truth About Goose Poop and Brutal Goose Massacres (2)

Contaminations are virtually guaranteed to occur where wild Canada geese are slaughtered and ground-up using the same machines that are also used to process meat from farmed animals. Meat grinders are notoriously hard to clean and disinfect. Unexplained occasional human deaths from bacterial infections may be linked to consuming products from a contaminated facility.

3. How difficult and expensive is it to clean goose poop?

Truth: Goose poop complaints can easily be remedied.

There are excellent community options for clean-up programs by volunteers and as a community service for minor offenses. An excellent fertilizer, goose droppings can also be processed, packaged, and sold to help fund humane goose management programs.

Your community can also purchase a goose poop clean-up machine, which could be rented out and shared with adjacent communities to recoup some of the cost. Here is one option for the Tow and Collect series. A handy mechanic could devise one for your community!

4. Aren’t goose roundups humane?

Truth: Goose roundups are traumatic and painful.

The most common form of goose execution is gassing with carbon dioxide. Roundups typically occur in the summer while the birds are molting and unable to fly while their new feathers grow in. Geese may also be baited with food for several days and then trapped with a rocket net (at any time of year). Geese are often captured in pre-dawn hours so the workers are not interrupted by the public. These dates are also kept secret to avoid interference.

The Truth About Goose Poop and Brutal Goose Massacres (3)

If the geese are on the water, they are driven by kayaks or other small boats to the shore, where they are herded into portable pens. They are roughly handled, often grabbed by their wings, crammed into crates, and piled one on top of another. Family is very important to geese. During roundups, they are separated from mates and offspring, desperately calling out for each other. Then, they are trucked off to be gassed at another location.

For smaller groups of geese, mini-gas chambers are placed onto the backs of trucks and brought directly to the roundup site.

Geese are loaded into chambers one at a time until several are inside and the gas is turned on. Witnesses report hearing the panicked and terrified birds banging and thumping, desperately to escape the death chamber while they slowly suffocate.

Gassing is a horrible, painful, and excruciatingly long process that was never intended for geese.

Geese have chemical receptors that are acutely sensitive to carbon dioxide. Their unique adaptations allow them to dabble for long periods underwater for food and also to fly at high altitudes where the air is thin.

The gassing process simultaneously burns and freezes their lungs for up to 45 minutes before their so-called "humane" death. Gassing is totally inappropriate for geese who can hold their breath for prolonged periods.

Although carbon dioxide is approved by the American Veterinary Medical Association (which also approves of grinding live male boy chicks and spent hens in a wood chipper), this gas is used to exterminate geese en masse because it is cheap. There is nothing remotely humane about it.

5. But at least goose roundups are an effective solution, right?

Truth: Roundups must be repeated each year because they don’t work.

Resident Canada geese have been rounded up since the early 1970's. The number of requested roundup permits has continued to increase, which indicates that roundups are not an effective method of management. You can combat roundups in your community by asking decision-makers to provide proof that killing geese is a successful long- term solution.

The Department of Natural Resources acknowledges the failure of goose roundups and reports that geese often return just weeks after a roundup has occurred. The department’s website states: “Roundup is not an effective long-term solution for addressing Canada goose conflicts and has had limited success in reducing the number of goose complaints.”

Within a few weeks of a roundup, new geese will replace those slaughtered. Just five short weeks after a roundup of 50 geese in Brookville Park, near John F. Kennedy International Airport, news reports found over 40 new geese taking up residence. Without changing what attracts geese to the location, such as abundant food, water, and safe harbor, geese will continue to flock there. If killing geese effectively reduced the population in the area, there would be no need to renew killing contracts and they would not be repeated on an annual basis.

Bergen County, New Jersey found nonlethal methods so effective that the Bergen County Freeholders passed a resolution against the killing of Canada Geese, ending a long community battle over managing geese populations by killing geese. Unlike lethal management, humane goose management addresses the root cause of goose overpopulation.

The Truth About Goose Poop and Brutal Goose Massacres (4)

Financial Incentives for Goose Roundups

Exterminating geese is no small business. Killing contracts with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services Division and statewide Departments of Natural Resources amount to millions of dollars per year. Most contracts are easily renewed each year, so the financial investment in lethal goose management increases exponentially over time. Journalist and goose advocate Mary Lou Simms discloses the tremendous waste of innocent animal lives and of taxpayer money on goose roundups that don’t work in this investigative news article.

The cost of geese slaughters varies by location. They can range from $6,500 in Delafield, Wisconsin to $347,000 for a three-year geese management contract in Union County, New Jersey. Companies that roundup and kill geese often make $75 per bird, but this figure varies. In British Columbia, the Capital Regional District spent more than $31,000 in 2015 on a goose roundup in Victoria to kill 43 birds — that’s $725 a goose.

The size and scope of killing contracts are beyond belief. Killing contracts exist in 48 states and have become a stable source of income for state agencies at the cost of taxpayers and animals.

Financial details are available via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which allows public access to federal records. Anyone can request a FOIA to find out the number of geese who were rounded up, whether they were killed or dispersed, how much it cost, and what agency received the funds. You can find sample letters and video instructions to submit a FOIA request in your community online. This information can help convince your community to terminate their expensive roundup plans.

The truth above were adapted with permission from Courtney DeWinter for her presentation in Denver, Colorado.

What You Can Do To Protect Geese

  • Become an IDA member by donating today
  • Learn how to protect geese within your community
  • Educate yourself and others about the truth behind goose roundups
  • Share our Humane Goose Management Guide with your community leaders
  • Contact us for help to prevent or stop a goose roundup in your community
  • Take action for geese by signing one of our urgent alerts
The Truth About Goose Poop and Brutal Goose Massacres (2024)


What are some facts about goose poop? ›

Geese feces usually contain the parasites cryptosporidium, giardia, coliform, and campylobacter. Crytosporidium poses the most serious health hazard, since it causes cryptosporidiosis, an illness with the following symptoms: watery diarrhea. dehydration.

What is the truth about Canada Goose jackets? ›

As the name implies, Canada geese are also seriously harmed in the process of making the jackets. The goose's throat is cut and their body is placed in scorching hot water to be plucked of their feathers which are used to insulate the jackets.

What is the punishment for killing a goose? ›

Offenders are typically given a court cost and a fine of up to $1,000, Spears said. And if you want to report someone for harming or killing a goose, you will have to appear in court as a witness, Spears said. Federal laws: The Migratory Bird Treaty Act has misdemeanor and felony provisions.

Why is Canada Goose controversial? ›

People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, one of the largest animal rights organizations in the world, has criticized Canada Goose for its treatment of animals. According to the organization, live coyotes and geese have been killed so their parts could be used for Canada Goose products.

What if my dog eats goose poop? ›

This habit, known as coprophagy, derives from the Greek words “copros,” meaning feces, and “phagein,” meaning “to eat.” Dogs like Harper who chow down on goose poop can be at risk for salmonella or Campylobacter bacteria, both of which can cause diarrhea in dogs.

Why does goose poop turn white? ›

While mammals excrete nitrogenous wastes mostly in the form of urea, birds convert it to uric acid or guanine, which reduces water loss in comparison. Uric acid thus forms a white sticky paste. So the white part is actually bird pee; it is the dark center that is the poop.

Are Canada Goose cruelty free? ›

Canada Goose has stated it doesn't believe trapping is intrinsically cruel. "We believe all animals are entitled to humane treatment in life and death, and we are deeply committed to the ethical sourcing and responsible use of all animal materials in our products," reads a statement on the company website.

How many geese does it take to make a down jacket? ›

While it may take N geese to supply enough 800-fill down for one jacket, those N geese probably also contribute to some 700- and 600-fill garments and maybe a pillow or comforter.

Does Canada Goose actually use goose fur? ›

The Canada Goose symbol represents anything but warmth. The fur trim that lines the hoods of the company's winter jackets comes from wild coyotes who were trapped, killed, and skinned.

Has a goose ever killed a man? ›

Fortunately, there have been no documented cases of a goose killing a human in the US, but the creatures still inspire fear—or at least caution—in the hearts of many. There's a reason cultures around the world have used geese in place of guard dogs.

Can you hit a goose if it attacks you? ›

Do not hit, kick or swing at the goose. This will only agitate them more, and may even bring the female off her nest to support her spouse in the attack.

Can a human fight off a goose? ›

Simply put, the human is too large for the goose to overcome. Even if the goose were rabid, the human could still overcome the small but vicious creature in a fight. It might not be a pretty sight, but the human would emerge victorious!

Why was Canada Goose cancelled? ›

Unfortunately for outdoor clothing retailer Canada Goose, the world recently discovered a viral video showing the shocking cruelty of fur trapping, which is often how the company obtains the fur that's used to line the hoods of some of its coats.

Why can't you hit Canadian geese? ›

Federal law protects Canada geese. It is illegal to harm geese, their eggs, or their nests in the United States without permission from the U.S. Fish and Wild Service (USFWS). Geese may be harassed or scared away without a permit as long as the geese, goslings, eggs, and nests are not harmed.

Why does Canada Goose use duck down? ›

Duck Down Feathers

Well, goose down comes in larger clusters, usually traps the air better which means you get a higher fill power and more insulating with a goose than duck. Because this jacket uses duck down, it's not surprising that there's a fill power of 625.

Why do dogs eat grass? ›

Dogs need roughage in their diets and grass is a good source of fiber. A lack of roughage affects the dog's ability to digest food and pass stool, so grass may actually help their bodily functions run more smoothly.

Is goose poop bad for lawns? ›

The geese degrade yards quickly, with each goose leaving 2-4 pounds of excrement per day. As the population of the geese increases, the abundance of excrement makes the grass unusable.

Can geese poop contaminate water? ›

Because a goose can poop up to 28 times a day, your water can easily become a hazardous area. Phosphorous and Nitrogen are both in geese poop and when they come into contact with bodies of water, it can lead to eutrophication.

Is it normal to pee and poop at the same time? ›

When you do pass stool however, the relaxation of the stronger anal sphincter also decreases tension in the weaker urinary sphincter, allowing urine to pass at the same time. But this isn't always the case – it is possible, but difficult, to do one without doing the other.

What is duck poop called? ›

Normal excreta varies depending on their feeding condition. It can be dry, wet, stony, and in different colors. But whichever color or shape it takes, duck poop is always messy.

What is bird poop called in English? ›

Guano is bird or bat poop. If you park your car near the harbor, your windshield may end up covered in seagull guano. Ew. You'll most often find the word guano used for the specific bird (or bat) manure that's used as a fertilizer in gardens.

How ethical is Goose Down? ›

Farmers usually harvest goose down after the birds are slaughtered for meat, and most geese are killed about 15 weeks after hatching. But farmers may also pluck the feathers when geese are still alive, a painful process akin to someone ripping out human hair, animal welfare and advocacy groups say.

Can vegans wear Canada Goose? ›

Although its outerwear may be warm, with its down stuffing and coyote fur trims, Canada Goose's jackets are not cruelty-free. However, there are many brands out there that offer vegan alternatives to Canada Goose which will keep you just as warm, stylish, dry, and cozy.

Does Canada Goose still use coyote fur? ›

Luxury parka maker Canada Goose said on Thursday it would stop making its products with fur by the end of 2022. The move comes after years of backlash over its use of coyote fur and amid a wider sustainability trend in the industry.

Why are goose down jackets so expensive? ›

High-quality materials: The parkas are made with goose down sourced from Canadian Hutterite farmers and come with a removable coyote fur-lined hood. Durable: Transit travelers loved the stitching, fabric, and perceived the coat to be highly durable. 'An investment that will last for years,' many said.

Why is Canada Goose so expensive? ›

The company uses high-quality Canadian Hutterite down, recognized as one of the highest quality in the world. The company claims its animal fur trim disrupts air flow and protects exposed skin against frostbite. In fact, Canada Goose says its jackets can withstand temperatures as low as -30° Celsius.

How many squirrels does it take to make a jacket? ›

To make one fur coat, it takes 150-300 chinchillas, 200-250 squirrels, 50-60 minks, or 15-40 foxes, depending on the animals' subspecies.

Does anyone wear real fur anymore? ›

Furs from leopard, panther, lynx and gray squirrel were reserved for the elite, while everyone else has to to with the more common wolf, fox, and sheep's fur. These days, there have been many functional alternatives other than fur, but fur still remains popular due to its elegance.

Is Canada Goose now fur free? ›

The outerwear brand once known for its fur-trimmed hoods commits to putting sustainability at the forefront.

Is Canada Goose no longer using fur? ›

It promised in 2021 to stop using real fur by the end of 2022. Reiss spoke with the Star in mid-December, just before that deadline. In the early 2000s, you once walked down Queen Street in Toronto, trying to get stores to carry Canada Goose jackets. Every single one said no.

What to do if a goose chases you? ›

Face the goose and maintain eye contact

Instead, if you're confronted by a goose, maintain eye contact with it and stand your ground. Once you've made eye contact, move slowly and try not to make a bunch of noise or quick movements. Continue facing the goose, sidestep and back away.

Can a goose break a humans arm? ›

If you get too close, a goose may attack to defend it. Most goose attacks on humans result in minor or no injuries, but severe injuries can happen. Goose attacks have resulted in broken bones, head trauma, and emotional distress.

What does it mean when a goose hisses at you? ›

To protect their young.

Geese are very territorial and protective, so they scream and hiss at humans or other animals who get too close to their nests and babies.

What are geese afraid of? ›

Fear of noises

Frightening noises work much better if the geese see a mobile threat such as people shooing them or goose-herding dogs. Pyrotechnics and propane cannons. Recordings of goose distress calls.

Do geese remember faces? ›

It has a good memory and does not forget people, animals or situations easily which is what makes it such a good watch animal against intruders whether human or animal. Geese do not normally exhibit pecking or cannibalism and usually live harmoniously among themselves and with other creatures.

How hard can a goose hit you? ›

Geese may bite or hit you with their exceptionally strong wings and can occasionally cause a serious injury. Don't worry, they usually only attack when provoked, so as long as you respect their boundaries you should be fine.

Can geese feel pain? ›

“Birds, including ducks and geese, have a wide range of pain receptors and an elaborate pain recognition system. Most injuries caused by tissue damage during handling or tube insertion would result in pain.

Why is it illegal to hit a goose? ›

According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Canada geese are federally protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, which makes it illegal to harm or kill them. NCWC told Townsquare NoCo that the treaty helps to "conserve and protect [geese], and to help maintain the ecosystems that they reside in."

When did Canada Goose start using holograms? ›

Check the hologram

The hologram security tag is a feature that was implemented in 2011 to help fight counterfeiters. You will find it in every Canada Goose jacket and accessory that was made after 2011.

Why is it called Canada Goose? ›

Named for John Canada, the ornithologist who separated the species from other geese. The Canada goose is Connecticut's largest native waterfowl species, weighing between 6 and 13 pounds and measuring 22-48 inches. They eat grains and seeds, but also aquatic plants or insects.

Is Canada Goose Made in China? ›


We've kept 100% of our production at home in Canada because we are committed to outstanding craftsmanship. We believe it's critical to the integrity of Canada Goose and the quality of our products.

Why don't we eat goose eggs? ›

Goose eggs are safe to eat. However, according to the National Goose Council, most people find the flavor of goose eggs much stronger than hen or duck eggs, so they are not eggs of choice for consumption. More often, the shells of goose eggs are used for arts and crafts projects.

Is it legal to eat goose in USA? ›

If you live in the U.S., eating Canada geese may be unlawful. In some parts of the country, geese are intentionally killed to shrink the population and reduce the danger of airplane collisions. But there's no protocol for testing slaughtered geese for toxins, so they end up in landfills instead of in your dining room.

What is the penalty for killing Canadian geese? ›

However, repercussions for attempting or succeeding in harming the inconvenient birds may result in: Fines ranging from $5,000 – $15,000 depending on the offensive action. Imprisonment for six months or more depending on the misdemeanor. Felony charges for guilty offenses.

What is Canada Goose filled with? ›

What consumers may not totally understand is that Canada Goose jackets are largely made of animals. The puffy stuffing is made from the down feathers of ducks and goose and the trim on the hoods is soft, warm coyote fur.

Why don t the Canadian geese go back to Canada? ›

Resident geese nest here, where their ancestors were forced to nest. And since the climate is temperate in our area and the water bodies do not freeze for long periods of time, the resident Canada geese have no need to fly south to find open water and grass in the winter.

Is Canada Goose good to eat? ›

Canada geese have a mild flavor that results in good eating; done properly, it resembles lean beef in texture. If they are not prepared properly, overcooking the breast meat is a common mistake, the meat can be tough and almost unpalatable.

What to do about goose poop? ›

Goose droppings makes wonderful, nutrient-rich fertilizer. The droppings contain lots of carbon, as well as nitrogen andphosphorus when dried, giving them a fertilizer value of close to 2-4-2, which makes it a very good-quality fertilizer for vegetable gardens.

How much waste does a goose produce? ›

Geese can poop as much as once every 12 minutes. Because they poop this often, they can leave up to 2 pounds of poop each day!

What color is goose poop? ›

Goose droppings are tubular in shape and may be a range of colors, including green, white, or dark brown. In addition to soiling sidewalks and being aesthetically displeasing, their feces contain pathogens and contribute to the spread of diseases like E. coli, listeria, salmonella, and giardia.

What removes goose poop? ›

Adding a little vinegar to it will help deodorize the carpet. For removing goose poop from your car, hardwood decking, or other smooth surfaces, lay a warm, wet cloth over the mess and let it soak for a few minutes. Then, carefully wipe up the mess.

How do I keep geese from pooping on my dock? ›

Two basic options are to block it in some way or make it scary. Since geese usually hop up onto the dock from the water, you could try putting up a perimeter barrier, such as one made from yellow caution tape. Or you could obstruct the dock with a row of chairs, or a rolled up tarp.

Will cayenne pepper keep geese away? ›

With most peppers being spicy, their smell often creates a burning sensation. Specific types of pepper that can deter birds include chili peppers and cayenne pepper. Garlic. Birds avoid garlic because it contains allicin, along with its strong, natural odor.

Are geese as messy as ducks? ›

Geese make similar messes to ducks, but they are much larger! They love to splash in the water, so it is best for them to have somewhere to splash away from the main run area. If this isn't an option, their living area might be a muddy mess!

Why do farmers keep geese? ›

Geese can be raised for a number of different reasons, including to provide meat or down and feathers or to serve as weeders or guard animals. Geese are excellent foragers, and by the time they are five to six weeks old, they can get a lot of their diet from pasture.

How much meat comes from a goose? ›

A goose can be up to 18 pounds (8 kg) big. But as there is a lot of fat on Geese which will melt off, you have to allow more poundage per person than you would for other poultry: about 1 ¼ pounds (575 g) per person. Wild goose is tougher than domestic goose, and has a gamey flavour.

Why is my poop red but not blood? ›

If you stool is red or black, it might not be from blood. Certain foods may cause your stools to look red. These include cranberries, tomatoes, beets, or food that is dyed red. Other foods may cause your stools to look black.

Why is my poop white? ›

White or clay-like stool is caused by a lack of bile, which may indicate a serious underlying problem. Bile is a digestive fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Stool gets its normal brownish color from bile, which is excreted into the small intestine during the digestive process.

Why is my poop rainbow colored? ›

Food dyes. Artificial food coloring can go in one end and out the other, turning stool to just about any shade in the rainbow.

Is goose poop bad for a pond? ›

Feces from geese also pose issues for ponds. Geese droppings speed up eutrophication, causing weeds and algae to grow faster. This can deplete the water's supply of oxygen and kill fish.

What bird has purple poop? ›

An Op-Ed essay on Monday described bald eagles and ospreys incorrectly. They eat fish, and their poop is white; they do not eat berries and excrete purple feces. (Other birds, like American robins, Eurasian starlings and cedar waxwings, do.)


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