Splunk Sum Count (2024)

1. Solved: What does "stats sum(count) by" do? - Splunk Community

  • More results from community.splunk.com

  • Hey, a really basic question, but I'm unsure of the answer. What does stats sum(count) by do? I'm fairly sure that the -- by field -- part aggregates the results of stats sum(count) by the field given. But what does stats sum(count) do? I've looked for a while and can't figure out what it does.

2. Aggregate functions - Splunk Documentation

  • count() or c() · perc()

  • Aggregate functions summarize the values from each event to create a single, meaningful value. Common aggregate functions include Average, Count, Minimum, Maximum, Standard Deviation, Sum, and Variance.

3. Stats - Splunk Commands Reference & Tutorials @ DevOpsSchool.com

  • Commands: stats · Use: Calculates aggregate statistics,such as average, count, and sum, over the results set. · Difference between stats and eval commands · Use ...

4. Splunk Count By Field - MindMajix Community

  • We can obtain a count and also count by a specific field by using the following command: Base search | top limit=0 count by myfield showperc=t | eventstatus ...

  • How can we obtain a total count and also count by the specific field shown in the same stats table?

Splunk Count By Field - MindMajix Community

5. Introduction To Splunk Stats Function Options - Mindmajix

  • Calculates aggregate statistics over the results set, such as average, count, and sum. This is similar to SQL aggregation. If stats are used without a by ...

  • The stats command generates reports that display summary statistics in a tabular format. It calculates statistics based on the fields in your events. Read More!

6. Calculating events per slice of time - Implementing Splunk

  • The simplest approach to counting events over time is simply to use timechart , like this: sourcetype=impl_splunk_gen network=prod | timechart span=1m count.

  • Implementing Splunk Second Edition

7. Splunk's Addcoltotals Command: A Comprehensive Guide

  • May 5, 2023 · What is Splunk addcoltotals? ... As the name of the command implies, this command simply adds up the numerical value total of a selected column.

  • Article

8. Splunk Groupby: Examples with Stats - queirozf.com

9. Solved: Using conditional sum after case statement - Splunk Community

  • May 8, 2018 · Following is a run anywhere search based on sample data provided: PS: Commands from | makeresults till | table tile Type count generate the ...

  • .....search | eval Type=case(like(publishId,"%U"),"unsubscribed",like(publishId,"%S"),"subscribed") | stats count by tile Type | sort Type How do you get a separate sum for "%U" and "%S" ???

10. Using Stats in Splunk Part 1: Basic Anomaly Detection - Hurricane Labs

  • Sep 22, 2020 · Avg/stdev/count/sum · Average: calculates the average (sum of all values over the number of the events) of a particular numerical field. · Stdev: ...

  • One of the most powerful uses of Splunk rests in its ability to take large amounts of data and pick out outliers in the data. For some events this can be done simply, where the highest values can be picked out via commands like rare and top. However, more subtle anomalies or anomalies occurring over

Using Stats in Splunk Part 1: Basic Anomaly Detection - Hurricane Labs

11. timechart sum the total results of a query and hav... - Splunk Community

  • Feb 12, 2016 · timechart sum the total results of a query and have individual values too. ... if I count by callType I get each call type then I pipe by ...

  • Hi and thanks in advance, I am trying to get a dashboard to get the total number of calls, the call types and the users who placed the calls if I count by callType I get each call type then I pipe by addtotals, so I get the first two stats, but how then I can do something like dc(filterUserName) | t...

12. Count of events from yesterday and today - Splunk Searches

  • ... sum(count) by window. This Splunk search will provide a timechart that shows two series, one demonstrating the number of events ingested in the most recent ...

  • This Splunk search will provide a timechart that shows two series, one demonstrating the number of events ingested in the most recent 24 hours and another showing the number of events ingested in the previous 24 hour period. The results of this search are best viewed as a line chart and will allow you to compare data ingest of today compared with yesterday.

13. Comparing Stats Time Over Time - - GoSplunk

  • Splunk Query Repository. Comparing Stats Time Over Time. _internal · kfeagans ... sum(count) by window. This search will lay a count of something (in this case ...

  • index=_internal earliest=-48h latest=-24h | bin _time span=10m | stats count by _time | eval window="yesterday" | append [ search index=_internal earliest=-24h | bin _time span=10m | stats count by _time| eval window="today" | eval _time=(_time-(60*60*24))] | timechart span=10m sum(count) by window This search will lay a count of something (in this case, just a count) […]

14. stats command examples - Splunk Documentation

  • Oct 4, 2021 · The results contain as many rows as there are distinct host values. There are two columns returned: host and sum(bytes) . If you don't specify a ...

  • The following are examples for using the SPL2 stats command. To learn more about the stats command, see How the stats command works.

15. Search commands > stats, chart, and timechart - Splunk

Search commands > stats, chart, and timechart - Splunk

16. stats command | Splunk# - Geek University

  • The stats command calculates aggregate statistics over a dataset, such as average, count, and sum. In this section we will show how to use the stats command ...

  • This article describes the Splunk's stats command.

stats command | Splunk# - Geek University

17. Using stats to aggregate values - Packt Subscription

  • ... Splunk. The simplest stats function is count . Given the following query, the results will contain exactly one row, with a value for the field count :.

  • Splunk is a data collection, indexing, and visualization engine for operational intelligence. It's a powerful and versatile search and analysis engine that lets you investigate, troubleshoot, monitor, alert, and report on everything that's happening in your entire IT infrastructure from one location in real time. Splunk collects, indexes, and harnesses all the fast moving machine data generated by our applications, servers, and devices - physical, virtual, and in the cloud.Given a mountain of machine data, this book shows you exactly how to learn to use Splunk to make something useful from it. Depending on your needs, you can learn to search, transform, and display data, or learn to administer your Splunk installation, large or small. "Implementing Splunk: Big Data Reporting and Development for Operational Intelligence" will help you get your job done faster, whether you read from the beginning or jump to what you need to know today. New and experienced users alike will find nuggets of wisdom throughout.This book provides you with valuable examples and step-by-step instructions, showing you how to take advantage of everything Splunk has to offer you, to make the most out of your machine data."Implementing Splunk: Big Data Reporting and Development for Operational Intelligence" takes you on a journey right from inception to a fully functioning implementation of Splunk. Using a real-world data walkthrough, you'll be shown how to search effectively, create fields, build dashboards, reports, and package apps, manage your indexes, integrate into the enterprise, and extend Splunk. This practical implementation guide equips you with high-level knowledge for configuring, deploying, extending, and integrating Splunk. Depending on the goal and skills of the reader, enough topics are covered to get you on your way to dashboard guru, app developer, or enterprise administrator. This book uses examples curates reference, and sage advice to help you make the most of this incredibly powerful tool.

18. Splunk trick to display a one to many relationship in a table with granular ...

  • Nov 23, 2013 · Figured I would spend a minute talking about one of my new favorite Splunk tricks. ... sum(count) as Total_Events list(host) as Hosts list(count) ...

  • Another oil change and another blog post. Good thing there isn’t always a relationship between those two things or my cars wouldn’t be runn...

Splunk trick to display a one to many relationship in a table with granular ...

19. Using stats, eventstats & streamstats for Threat Hunting…Stat! - Splunk

  • Sep 18, 2023 · It will perform any number of statistical functions on a field, which could be as simple as a count or average, or something more advanced like ...

  • The stats command is a crucial capability when you’re threat hunting. And so are two related commands: eventstats & streamstats. Get all the details, right here.

Using stats, eventstats & streamstats for Threat Hunting…Stat! - Splunk

20. How To Find The Total Count of each Command used in Your SPLUNK ...

  • How To Find The Total Count of each Command used in Your SPLUNK Query ... Lets say we have data from where we are getting the splunk queries as events. We have ...

  • Spread our blogHow To Find The Total Count of each Command used in Your SPLUNK Query Lets say we have data from where we are getting the splunk queries as events. We have given an example below. We have taken all the splunk queries in a tabular format by the “table” command.Here “_raw” is an […]

How To Find The Total Count of each Command used in Your SPLUNK ...

21. Average Splunk Web requests by hour - - GoSplunk

  • ... count=0 | mvexpand date_hour ] | stats sum(count) as count by date_hour _time | stats avg(count) as avg by date_hour | sort date_hour. I found this at: https ...

  • This query is pretty awesome! It helped enlighten us to exactly when our splunk infrastructure is being hit with users index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_web_access [ rest / splunk_server=local | fields splunk_server | rename splunk_server as host ] | bin _time span=1d | stats count by date_hour _time | appendpipe [ fields _time | dedup _time | eval […]

Introduction: In the world of data analytics and business intelligence, organizations are constantly searching for effective tools to extract valuable insights from their data. One such tool that has gained significant popularity is Splunk Sum Count. In this article, we will delve into the depths of Splunk Sum Count, exploring its functionalities, benefits, and how it can revolutionize the way businesses analyze and interpret data.

  1. Understanding Splunk Sum Count: Splunk Sum Count is a powerful function within the Splunk software that allows users to aggregate and summarize data based on specific fields. It enables users to calculate the sum of numerical values and the count of events that meet specific criteria. With the ability to handle large volumes of data, Splunk Sum Count is an invaluable tool for organizations dealing with complex datasets.

  2. Key Features and Benefits: 2.1 Simplified Data Summarization: Splunk Sum Count simplifies the process of data summarization by providing a user-friendly interface that allows users to define the fields and criteria for aggregation. This feature saves time and effort, enabling users to focus on extracting meaningful insights from their data.

2.2 Flexibility in Analysis: With Splunk Sum Count, users have the flexibility to perform various types of analysis. Whether it's calculating the total sales revenue, counting the number of website visits, or analyzing network traffic patterns, Splunk Sum Count empowers users to gain a comprehensive understanding of their data.

2.3 Real-time Visualization: Splunk Sum Count seamlessly integrates with Splunk's powerful visualization capabilities, allowing users to create intuitive charts and graphs to represent their aggregated data. This real-time visualization aids in identifying patterns, trends, and anomalies, enabling organizations to make data-driven decisions promptly.

  1. How to Use Splunk Sum Count: 3.1 Defining Summarization Fields: To utilize Splunk Sum Count effectively, users need to specify the fields they want to summarize. These fields can range from numerical values to categorical variables, depending on the specific analysis requirements.

3.2 Applying Filters: Splunk Sum Count allows users to apply filters to their data, ensuring that only relevant events are considered in the aggregation process. This feature enables users to focus on specific subsets of data, making analysis more targeted and meaningful.

3.3 Aggregating Data: Once the fields and filters are defined, Splunk Sum Count performs the aggregation process, calculating the sum of numerical values and counting events that meet the specified criteria. The aggregated results can be displayed in various formats, including tables, charts, and visualizations.

  1. Use Cases: 4.1 Sales Analysis: Splunk Sum Count can be used to analyze sales data by calculating the total revenue generated within a specific timeframe or by a particular product category. This analysis allows organizations to identify top-performing products and revenue trends, facilitating strategic decision-making.

4.2 Network Monitoring: In the realm of IT, Splunk Sum Count can be leveraged to analyze network traffic patterns. By counting the number of network requests or calculating the total bandwidth consumed, organizations can identify bottlenecks, optimize network performance, and enhance the overall user experience.

  1. Conclusion: Splunk Sum Count is a game-changer in the field of data analytics, offering organizations the ability to extract valuable insights from their data efficiently. Its powerful features, flexibility, and real-time visualization capabilities make it an indispensable tool for businesses across various industries.


Q1. Can Splunk Sum Count handle real-time data? A1. Yes, Splunk Sum Count can handle real-time data, providing organizations with up-to-date insights.

Q2. Is Splunk Sum Count suitable for small businesses? A2. Absolutely! Splunk Sum Count can be scaled to meet the needs of small and large businesses alike.

Q3. Can Splunk Sum Count be integrated with other data analysis tools? A3. Yes, Splunk Sum Count can be seamlessly integrated with other data analysis tools, enhancing the overall analytical capabilities.

Q4. Does Splunk Sum Count require coding skills? A4. No, Splunk Sum Count is designed to be user-friendly, allowing users to perform data summarization without prior coding knowledge.

Q5. Can Splunk Sum Count handle complex datasets? A5. Yes, Splunk Sum Count is specifically designed to handle complex datasets, ensuring accurate and efficient data summarization.

In conclusion, Splunk Sum Count empowers organizations to unlock the true potential of their data. By providing a simplified approach to data summarization, flexibility in analysis, and real-time visualization capabilities, Splunk Sum Count enables businesses to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge in today's data-driven world.

Splunk Sum Count (2024)


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.