Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (2024)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting

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  • Terri Pederson

Clogged tubing is believed to be the cause of a fire in the ductwork at Northwood Paper Converting early Thursday.

Beaver Dam Fire Chief Michael Wesle said a caller reported at about 2:15 a.m. that smoke was visible and the building at 230 Corporate Drive was being evacuated.

Firefighters found smoke coming from a “trim system tube,” Wesle said. They identified the location of the fire and worked with maintenance personnel to de-energize the equipment involved. Firefighters were then able to disassemble the trim tubing around an electrical motor and extinguish the fire.

Firefighters were on scene for 1½ hours. No firefighters or employees were injured.

Maintenance personnel believe the fire was caused by a clog in the paper trim system tube that extended to an electrical motor.

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (7)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (8)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (9)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (10)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (11)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (12)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (13)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (14)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (15)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (16)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (17)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (18)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (19)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (20)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (21)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (22)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (23)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (24)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (25)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (26)

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (27)

Follow Terri Pederson on Twitter @tlp53916 or call 920-356-6760

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Clogged tubing blamed in fire at Northwood Paper Converting (2024)


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.