Can Venus Fly Traps Eat Worms? (Earthworms, Mealworms, Bloodworms & More) (2024)

Venus flytraps are one of the most popular carnivorous plants in the world and a fantastic choice for anyone who wants to grow their own insect-eating plant.

The Mealworm Diet – What Do Mealw...

The Mealworm Diet – What Do Mealworms Eat?

These plants are carnivorous, and they’re a lot of fun to have around the house.

Their tiny, toothy traps catch insects, spiders and more.

In this article we did hours of research to find out:

  • what kind of worms Venus flytraps can eat
  • whether you should feed your plant worms from your garden or from bait shops or pet stores
  • which types of worms are considered a nutritious snack for venus flytraps to eat

One big question new Venus fly trap owners want to know is: Can my Venus fly trap eat worms?

The answer is yes, venus flytraps eat worms, but not all kinds of worms as they need to be able to fit inside your venus flytrap.

Let’s explore in more detail.

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Can Venus Fly Traps Eat Earthworms?

Venus fly traps can eat worms. Can it eat Earthworms? The answer is yes..and no.

If you want to keep your Venus flytrap healthy, don’t feed it anything bigger than its trap.

The reason is simple: if the plant eats something that is larger than its trap, it can eat through the leaves and lead to leaf rot.

Fortunately, it’s easy to keep track of what size of insect or worm you’re feeding your plant by looking at its traps—if it’s too big for the trap, don’t give it the food.

You can feed a dead earthworm if it has been cut to fit the trap. Avoid feeding a live earthworm because it may be dangerous and may work its way out.

Usually, a foul smell from the trap and fluids dripping all over is a sign that your Venus flytrap consumed an earthworm.

In summary, feed dead worms to venus flytraps that have been cut up into small pieces and you should be fine.

But generally, earthworms would never find themselves in the mouths of venus flytraps in the wild, so they’re certainly not a part of its normal diet.

Can Venus Fly Traps Eat Mealworms?

If you are wondering if you can feed your Venus flytraps mealworms, the answer is yes!

Feeding venus flytraps mealworms is fine and make for good venus flytrap food.

Mealworms have plenty of nutrients and proteins that support a healthy diet needed by a Venus flytrap.

Mealworms are also easy to digest.

But here’s the thing: many outdoor flytraps do not require any additional insects as part of their diet since they are already exposed to enough insects outdoors.

As you know venus flytraps eat flies in vast quantities, so if you have an outdoor fly trap, feeding it mealworms might be overkill.

But if you have an indoor flytrap or one that lives outside but has limited exposure to insects, then feeding it mealworms can be beneficial for its health.

Feeding Venus flytraps mealworms can be done in several ways; you may feed whole and living, dried mealworms or freeze-dried mealworms.

It is important to know that you can only feed them one worm per trap.

If the worm is larger than that of the trap’s size, then they will have difficulty digesting the larger worm.

Cut it into smaller pieces if the flytrap is small to avoid overfeeding.

NOTE: Many people don’t know this but mealworms can bite, so although a carnivorous plant like the flytrap should be fine, it’s always best practice to crush a live mealworms’ head first.

How Long Does It Take for A Venus Flytrap to Digest a Mealworm?

It takes an average of one week for a Venus flytrap to fully digest its food.

When you feed mealworms, they should be fed to your plant in small amounts so the flytrap can digest the worms before they start decomposing.

If you feed too many mealworms at once, it will take longer for them to digest and your plant could get sick.

If you notice your plant is not recovering after feeding it mealworms, there are a few things you can do:

First, check to see if there are any other insects in your terrarium that may be eating the mealworms.

Second, make sure that the temperature in your terrarium is between 50°-85°F;

Third, make sure that the humidity level is between 80%-90% for optimum mealworm health and to protect your carnivorous plant.

Fourth, ensure you’re not feeding it too many mealworms at a time.

How many mealworms can most carnivorous plants eat? One per week is more than enough food – at least for a venus flytrap.

Can Venus Fly Traps Eat Bloodworms?

For indoor plants and those that don’t get to eat a lot of insects, you can feed them bloodworms and they will still be healthy.

More commonly fish food, feeding bloodworms to venus flytraps can be a good choice to provide all the nutrients it needs and for the polymer that will activate its immune system.

There are plenty of nutrients in bloodworms, like:

  • chitin
  • vitamin b-12
  • niacin
  • amino acids
  • Vitamin C
  • beta-carotene
  • and riboflavin.

Frozen bloodworms should be thawed before feeding.

Although bloodworms are a good idea if your Venus Flytrap is indoors, again, there will usually be plenty of insects available if it’s outdoors.

Bloodworms, which are great for a Venus Flytrap’s diet, are available at aquariums or pet stores and should be rehydrated before feeding.

The method for feeding Venus flytrap bloodworms is similar to mealworms.

Take just enough so it fills a third of the trap It is important to remember to feed only one trap at a time which is important to take note of during the feeding process.

You may use a tweezer or stick to gently tickle the trigger hairs.

Can Venus Fly Traps Eat Worms? (Earthworms, Mealworms, Bloodworms & More) (1)

Can Venus FlyTraps Eat Wax Worms?

Yes, you can feed your fly trap wax worms.

The best way to feed them is to put wax worms in the trap and then gently help the plant to close the trap.

Wax worms are a great food for Venus fly traps because they are high in protein, which is what the plant needs most.

Wax worms also have plenty of fat and other nutrients that will help your plant grow strong.

But again, the common theme is to make sure the wax worm is small enough to fit into the trap, so it can become viable plant food.

If not, you should cut it into smaller pieces for easier digestion.

Can Venus Flytraps Eat Superworms?

Yes, Venus Flytraps can eat superworms. But it’s not a good idea as they are larger versions of mealworms.

Most people grow their Venus flytraps in pots or planters, but if you want to grow them in your garden and feed them superworms, make sure you only put one superworm per trap.

If you do decide to feed your Venus Flytrap superworms, make sure they’re no more than a quarter of an inch long.

This will likely mean cutting the superworm into pieces first.

The traps need more than one insect type to stay healthy and happy, so don’t just feed it a diet of only this species.

You should also keep in mind that superworms are live feeder insects—which means they’re usually kept as pets and used for feeding other animals (like frogs and reptiles).

The same thing also applies to superworms as mealworms.

They have mandibles and can chew their way out of things. Crush their head before you feed your venus flytrap just to be safe.


As carnivorous plants, Venus Flytraps require a different kind of diet than your typical plant.

You can buy live worms at your local pet store and feed them to your Venus Flytrap.

The best worms to use are mealworms, bloodworms, wax worms and superworms.

It is important to know that not all worms can be fed to a Venus Flytrap, especially ones that are too large as well as things like caterpillars which may eat their way out of the trap.

You can feed a Venus Flytrap dried worms, and other insects for nutrition.

Flying insects contains extra nutrients which are excellent for the plant and are preferred.

Your Venus flytrap is going to be just fine without insects or worms during winter dormancy.

Just let the plant “hibernate” during this period and wait for it to blossom again during springtime.

You can enjoy setting off their trigger hairs and watching them feed when they wake up again!

Can Venus Fly Traps Eat Worms? (Earthworms, Mealworms, Bloodworms & More) (2024)


Can Venus Fly Traps Eat Worms? (Earthworms, Mealworms, Bloodworms & More)? ›

The Venus flytrap menu: mealworms, bloodworms, and crickets. View on Amazon. Mealworms: These small freeze-dried worms are a nutritious food source for Venus flytraps which you can buy from many pet shops and reptile specialists.

Can Venus flytrap eat earthworms? ›

Venus flytraps do not generally eat earthworms; they are too big and not likely to crawl into the plant's 'mouth'. They prefer crawling insects, which are easier to trap, but will eat flies and other flying insects if they get the chance.

Can Venus flytraps eat bloodworms? ›

Bloodworms: Their name may be disgusting, but these tiny freeze-dried worms can be a great food source for Venus flytraps. They are cheap and nutritious. Quick Tips: Don't overfeed your Venus Fly Trap!

What can Venus flytraps eat? ›

The Venus flytrap gets some of its nutrients from the soil, but to supplement its diet, the plant eats insects and arachnids. Ants, beetles, grasshoppers, flying insects, and spiders are all victims of the flytrap. It can take a Venus flytrap three to five days to digest an organism, and it may go months between meals.

What should you not feed a Venus flytrap? ›

In its natural habitat, Venus flytrap consumes mostly ants and spiders as well as grasshoppers, beetles and other insects that crawl across its traps. Do not feed your Venus' fly trap meat! Live prey, such as flies, spiders, crickets and slugs are appropriate food.

Can I feed my Venus flytrap live mealworms? ›

Feeding Venus Flytraps Mealworms A venus flytrap can eat mealworms. You can feed them both dried or live mealworms. It's better to feed them live mealworms as the squirming insect will trigger the venus flytrap to seal and release its enzymes for digestion.

Can I feed my Venus flytrap dead worms? ›

Mealworms are actually my favorite meal to feed venus flytraps. Alive and dead, they are great! Avoid anything that is overly squishy or really wet. Leaches, slugs, earth worms are all terrible for feeding venus flytraps.

Can I feed my Venus flytrap freeze-dried mealworms? ›

The best foods for your Venus flytrap:

Mealworms: These small freeze-dried worms are a nutritious food source for Venus flytraps which you can buy from many pet shops and reptile specialists.

What is the biggest thing a Venus flytrap can eat? ›

The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) has evolved to digest insects and so it grows traps appropriate to this prey. If a trap closes around prey that's larger than about a third of the size of the trap (2-3cm), it may not be able to close tightly enough to prevent the animal from escaping.

How often do Venus flytraps need to eat? ›

'Never feed Venus flytraps with fertilizers. The insects they consume will be sufficient,' says Hall. If your plant is kept outdoors, then it should be able to catch enough of its own food naturally; however, if kept as a houseplant, then you will likely need to feed it every week or two.

How many bugs do Venus flytraps need to eat? ›

When you put the insect inside the leaves you may need to move it around a bit to help stimulate the trigger hairs. says: "A venus flytrap should be fed four times a year with the plant being fed three bugs per feeding."

What happens if a Venus flytrap doesn't eat bugs? ›

Although flytraps are carnivorous, they can go for long periods (a month or two) without eating insects. If you grow them outdoors, they'll get enough to eat naturally. If you're growing Venus flytraps indoors, you'll have to feed them small bugs such as flies and beetles periodically.

Why is my Venus flytrap turning black? ›

Light: The first reason why your Venus Flytrap is turning black may have to do with light. The plant needs a lot of sunlight to stay healthy, so if your plant is not getting enough direct sunlight, it may turn black. This is more common in the winter months, when the days are shorter.

Should I cut off black Venus flytraps? ›

Cut off dead flowers with scissors – and in the case of Venus flytraps and pitcher plants, cut off the dead traps if they go black – this often happens in autumn and winter.

How big can a Venus flytrap get? ›

The most popular carnivorous plant, Venus flytraps grow to 5-6 inches in diameter with traps typically measuring up to 1.5 inches. The flytrap grows best outdoors as a container or potted plant. It makes an excellent addition to any sunny deck or patio.

How many flies does a Venus flytrap eat a day? ›

1. Venus fly trap. Perhaps the most famous of all carnivorous plants, the iconic Venus fly trap uses sweet-smelling sap to lure unsuspecting insects into its mouth. Despite its fame, a Venus Fly trap can only catch 3-4 bugs before closing forever, making them less effective than other plants.

Should I remove dead flies from Venus flytrap? ›

What should you do? In the best possible scenario, you would remove the dead bug on the same day the leaf opened. The still-moist bug usually comes out quite easily, and the plant may not close (the best time to do this is when the leaf has not quite opened to its co*cked and ready stage).

What happens if you feed Venus flytrap dead fly? ›

A: If you toss a dead bug into the maw of a Venus flytrap, even if the trap snaps shut, the plant may apparently lose interest in the bug and reopen the next day with the sacrifice unaccepted. Why did the plant reject the food? The plant reacted to your gift of a dead bug as if it were a false alarm.

How long do Venus flytraps live? ›

Venus flytraps are perennial, carnivorous plants that can live up to 20 years in the wild. While most of their energy is obtained through photosynthesis, insects provide nutrients that aren't readily available in the soil.

Can I feed my Venus flytrap dried shrimp? ›

Re: Dried shrimp.

I feed my flytraps frozen Mysis shrimp. They seem to thrive on it.

Can you revive a dying Venus flytrap? ›

Your Venus Flytrap requires consistent moisture and high humidity in order to thrive. If they experience periods of dry soil or low humidity, some of the leaves and traps might brown, yellow, or die off as a way to preserve energy. The plant is usually able to bounce back from a period of drought.

Is it possible to revive a dead Venus flytrap? ›

Water the Venus flytrap plant with pure water like rainwater, distilled water, or reverse osmosis (RO) water. Don't use tap water or bottled water as it could contain significant minerals that cause death to Venus flytraps.

Why are Venus flytraps so hard to keep alive? ›

According to Rocket Farms, Venus flytraps need four distinct things to flourish: water, light, temperature, and food. More importantly, these unusual, carnivorous plants require more attention than most people are willing to give.

Can you leave Venus flytrap in water? ›

Indoors or out, keep the growing medium moist to wet at all times. Remember, these are bog plants. Do not allow the soil to dry out. Water the plant by sitting the base of the pot in a saucer of water for a few hours at a time every few days.

Can a Venus flytrap eat a butterfly? ›

Venus flytraps give insects that pollinate their flowers a break. They don't eat them.

Can a Venus flytrap eat mosquitoes? ›

A close-up of potted Venus Fly Trap plants. Although they've provided otherworldly fodder for horror movies, carnivorous plants won't consume you or your pets. These predatory plants manufacture their own food through photosynthesis, but they also eat insects such as mosquitoes to supplement their nutrition.

Can a bug be too big for a Venus flytrap? ›

The bugs should not be too large. Meals much bigger than about 1/3 the length of a trap can be too big, causing the trap to blacken and die. Feed your plants small bugs.

Are there blue Venus flytraps? ›

There are a lot of “blue Venus flytrap for sale” scams on the internet – please don't fall for any of them. For seasoned carnivorous plant hobbyists and collectors, this may seem like common knowledge, but for the new and uninitiated, it's worth a warning: Blue Venus Flytraps are a scam.

How many times can a Venus flytrap close before it dies? ›

As the insect struggles to escape, it triggers even more outgrowths, causing the Venus flytrap to tighten its grip and release enzymes to digest its snack. Each "mouth" can only snap shut four or five times before it dies, whether it catches something or not.

Do you water Venus flytraps everyday? ›

Water. Venus flytraps love water and need to be kept moist at all times, unlike most plants where it's best to let the soil dry out until the next watering. "Venus flytraps should be kept consistently moist.

How hard is it to keep a Venus flytrap alive? ›

In many respects, flytraps should be easy. They don't require fertilizing. They can survive under full sun or fluorescent lights. Unlike so many other houseplants, they can sit in a half-inch of standing water without fear of roots rotting.

What happens if you don't have distilled water for Venus flytrap? ›

Use only rainwater, distilled water or reverse osmosis water. Venus Flytraps require very pure water. Your tap water is likely to be too high in dissolved solids—minerals and salts—that may kill a Venus Flytrap, possibly within weeks.

Can you feed Venus fly traps anything other than bugs? ›

Fish flakes or crushed pellets are a great alternative to bugs for carnivorous plants. They contain several nutrients that can be easily absorbed by the plant. We have used both TetraFin Goldfish Flakes and TetraFin Floating Pellets (crushed) with good success.

What is the best soil for a Venus flytrap? ›

Soil -- Sphagnum or peat moss usually make the best soil. These can also be mixed with a little silica sand and/or orchid bark. Some growers add charcoal to remove salts that are present. Humidity -- The Venus Fly Trap doesn't require extremely high humidity, but above 50%.

Why does my Venus flytrap turn black when it eats a fly? ›

Feeding flytraps

It takes a lot of energy to close a trap and digest the food inside. If you close too many at once, the plant uses all of its reserves, and the traps begin to blacken. Wait until the traps are fully open and feed just one or two a week.

How do you know if a Venus flytrap is hungry? ›

Flytraps turn red when hungry.

What does a dying Venus flytrap look like? ›

It is easy to differentiate between a Venus flytrap that is dying, versus one that is entering dormancy. A dying Venus flytrap gives up the ghost fairly quickly. The leaves die completely, and all that remains of the plant is something all mushy and gooey.

Can I leave my Venus flytrap outside? ›

That region gets very hot in summer and can see snow in winter, making the Venus flytrap far from a denizen of the tropics. Flytraps grow best outdoors as a container or potted plant on a sunny deck or patio. You may also grow it in a pond or fountain, but keep the crown of the plant above water.

Can you feed Venus flytraps anything other than bugs? ›

Fish flakes or crushed pellets are a great alternative to bugs for carnivorous plants. They contain several nutrients that can be easily absorbed by the plant. We have used both TetraFin Goldfish Flakes and TetraFin Floating Pellets (crushed) with good success.

Are worms good for carnivorous plants? ›

These high-quality freeze-dried meals worms are a no hassle natural way to feed your carnivorous plants without having to go hunting for bugs. Drop them into pitchers or set them onto sticky traps for a big energy boost. They can also be ground up or rehydrated for smaller or more delicate plants.

Can Venus flytraps live without eating bugs? ›

Although flytraps are carnivorous, they can go for long periods (a month or two) without eating insects. If you grow them outdoors, they'll get enough to eat naturally.

Can I feed my Venus flytrap raw meat? ›

If you feed a Venus flytrap a bit of hamburger meat, it will probably die. Venus flytraps expect bugs. Feed them anything else, and they will not like it. There is far too much non-bug energy and protein in cow-meat.

How many bugs should I feed my Venus flytrap? ›

When you put the insect inside the leaves you may need to move it around a bit to help stimulate the trigger hairs. says: "A venus flytrap should be fed four times a year with the plant being fed three bugs per feeding."

Do Venus flytraps get bigger? ›

Flytraps tend to grow faster and larger when their roots have room to grow. Large pots will also give your plants added protection during the winter. Because of sun requirements and winter dormancy, we do not recommend growing flytraps indoors, including terrariums.

What is the lifespan of a Venus flytrap? ›

Venus flytraps are perennial, carnivorous plants that can live up to 20 years in the wild. While most of their energy is obtained through photosynthesis, insects provide nutrients that aren't readily available in the soil.

What happens if a Venus flytrap bites me? ›

Fortunately for people, Venus flytrap plants can't eat anything much bigger than a housefly and mostly they eat mosquitoes and gnats. If you put the tip of your finger in the flytrap's bug eating mouth, it will quickly snap shut, but it won't hurt at all.

Can you feed carnivorous plants bloodworms? ›

Freeze dried bloodworms are an excellent high protein food for carnivorous plants. They are not true "worms," but are the larval stage of the Midge Fly, Chironomus plumosus, which is a common non-biting small flying insect. They are called bloodworms because the larvae are often a bright red color.

Are bloodworms carnivorous? ›

Bloodworms are carnivorous. They feed by extending a large proboscis that bears four hollow jaws. The jaws are connected to glands that supply venom which they use to kill their prey, and their bite is painful even to a human. They are preyed on by other worms, bottom-feeding fish, crustacea, and gulls.

What worms are not good for plants? ›

Whether you call them jumping worms, crazy worms, Alabama jumpers or snake worms, they are bad news for our gardens and natural spaces. These invasive worms live near the soil surface devouring leaf litter and the organic matter that plants depend upon.


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.